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Cloud Adapter

Cloud Adapters are required for connecting data. As soon as a cloud adapter connects to the project, a new entry appears in the tree.


If a new cloud adapter connects, it is displayed with its unique ID (e.g. MAC address).

Cloud Adapters with orange status bar to indicate that onboarding is not yet complete

The orange status bar indicates that onboarding is not yet complete. Click Edit to confirm the password and optionally enter a name. The status bar then changes to green. Expand the cloud adapter to view the symbols.

Expanded cloud adapter with completed onboarding and multiple symbols

Online Update

Cloud Adapters of type Universal Cloud Adapter can be updated online. The currently installed version is displayed in cloud adapter settings. Besides this, an update-over-the-air can be initiated via the icon. With the icon next to it, an update-over-the-air can be performed.

Note: Update-over-the-air is not functional if the Cloud Adapter was installed via snap or one of the following IoT gateway solutions is used: ctrlX, PLCnext, IoTmaxx. Use the update mechanism of the respective target system in this case.

Location / Map

Cloud Adapters are displayed in a map via the map view and in the device view in the management area. Click Edit and navigate to the Position / Map tab to configure the positioning. The following options are available:


AnyViz stores metrics about the volume of data transferred. Click Edit and switch to the Traffic tab to view the data. The volume of data for general communication is shown in green. Data volume for VPN is displayed in orange.

Tag list

The context menu of a cloud adapter takes you to the Tags dialog. There, the tags of the corresponding cloud adapter are listed in tabular form. By selecting multiple entries and clicking Multiedit, the properties of multiple tags can be changed at once. The number in the References column indicates how often the tag is used in views, alerts, or other entities. Click on the number to view all references.

Logged values

Click Logged values in the context menu of a cloud adapter to view the logged values of all tags of a cloud adapter. If invalid data has been recorded due to a malfunction or connection failure, it can be deleted with just a few clicks.