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The project is the enclosing bracket between all data of the project and the users who have access to it. All cloud adapters and other data connections are linked to a project via the project number. Each project has its own group of users with different user roles.

Project Chooser

Users can have access to more than one project. The user role determines the respective authorization. A user can have the 'Designer' role in one project and the 'Administrator' role in another. The project chooser lists all projects of the currently logged in user as well as the management.

Project chooser as it appears by clicking on the project name in the header. Access to management, project settings and subscription, as well as possibility to change the project.

Project data

In a project there are different entities that are created and managed:


In the project settings, the project is managed and all permissions can be set. The selected subscription determines the amount of data that can be processed in the cloud.

Project settings & subscription