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The goal of management is to provide an overview of the most important entities (projects, devices, alerts and users) in the cloud, independent of the loaded project, and to cover all remote maintenance aspects.

Management with display of multiple projects as tiles for quick overview and efficient access to remote maintenance features
The management with navigation to the individual areas


Navigation to the management area by clicking on the project
Management can be opened via the project chooser in the header and is available if the logged-in user has access authorization for at least 3 projects.

In the management, the most important data of all assigned projects are centrally available to the user across all projects. The area is generated automatically and is not editable.


The management offers different views that can be accessed via the navigation:

Management layout

In almost all areas of management, the following 3 opinions are available:

There are many filtering options within the management. The global text filter is used to search the attributes of an item and filter them accordingly. A detail filter can be made in the list view. You can use shortcuts within a tile to switch to another filtered view. The management can be used both via the desktop and on mobile devices.