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Cloud Adapter exchange

If a device for data connectivity is replaced (e.g. due to a defect), an exchange must also be performed in AnyViz so that the assignment to the tags can be adjusted. To do this, proceed as follows.

1. prepare exchange

Connect the new cloud adapter to the project and complete the onboarding. Make sure that the new cloud adapter is displayed with a green status bar and disconnect the obsolete cloud adapter.

Image of the cloud adapter object tree with a cloud adapter to be replaced (offline) and the replacement device already connected

2. perform exchange

Open the context menu of the old cloud adapter (to be exchanged) and click Exchange. Select the new cloud adapter in the exchange dialog.

Dialog for selecting the new cloud adapter to replace an old device

After clicking OK all tags are assigned to the new cloud adapter and the old cloud adapter disappears from the object tree.

Note: If it is a Universal Cloud Adapter, you can restore the configuration of the old Cloud Adapter. See Cloud Adapter Backup.