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The pivot is a vizual for tabular representation of historical analyses. Aggregated values of multiple tags can be displayed side by side for comparison.

Pivot Vizual for tabular representation of historical values of different tags


Depending on the type of the tag, different functions are offered for aggregating the data.

Numeric tags
Counter tags
Logic tags

Comparison function

In addition to the values for the current time range, an additional column with the previous time range can be displayed using the Comparison column option. If, for example, the year 2023 is selected in the pivot, the comparison column contains the months of the year 2022. You can also display the absolute or percentage difference.

Interaction with the pivot

The time range can be selected within the pivot. This can be done either via the time range selection or by clicking on a cell with a time range. The tag information can be opened via the individual cells.

Interaction with the pivot