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A tag is a variable value used for display, monitoring or operation. This can be a variable of a PLC, a value of a counter or even a calculated tag. Each tag is available up to the second.

Data types

AnyViz supports the processing of the following data types:

Create a tag

Once a cloud adapter is successfully connected, the list of available symbols is exchanged and displayed in a structured manner underneath in the tree.

Illustration of the Cloud Adapter tree showing various symbols

When using a symbol for the first time or clicking on the icon, the tag editor appears.

Creating a tag for the SIM_REAL symbol in the tag editor

Depending on the data type and cloud adapter, different properties can be defined.

Name Display name, which is used for labeling purposes
The name does not have to be unique and can be changed at any time
Folder Name of the folder (see structs / folders)
Press the Enter key to enter nested folders
Symbol Unique ID of the symbol. To change, see symbol exchange
Counter value Enables meter reading for automatic determination of consumption/generation and power/throughput. See counter concept
Scaling Allows conversion by specifying a Factor, as well as limiting values by specifying Min and Max. Click on the arrow to enable linear conversion (e.g. conversion of a 4-20mA signal).
Unit Unit for displaying the value
For counter values, a deviating unit for the power/throughput is specified in addition to the unit for the consumption/generation (e.g. kWh;kW or m³;m³/h)
Logging Configuration of optional data logging.
Properties Each tag allows to store optional properties, which are displayed in the tooltip. These can also be used for filtering or can be displayed via a info field.

Data logging

Tags can optionally be configured for data logging. The following options are available:

Tag source

Once a writable tag has been created, another tag can be configured as the source. To do this, drag a compatible tag from the tree into the Source field. Each change in the value of the source is then written to the target tag. In this way, control systems can be networked across locations.