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The chart is used for the graphical visualization of time series. Via drag & drop several tags can be added to a chart. A Y-axis is added for each unit used in the tags. The time range can be preselected via a relative specification (e.g. Last 30 days) and can be adjusted outside the editing mode by clicking on the time selection.

Configure series

A configuration section appears for each new tag added. Depending on the data type, different settings can be configured:

Color Color of lines, areas or bars
Series type Numeric tags can be plotted in different ways:
  • Line: line chart (default).
  • Area: Line chart with semi-transparent filled area.
  • Bars: Display of bars.
  • Spline: Polynomial interpolated line graph.
  • Step line: Drawing of a horizontal line until the next value change (e.g. for setpoints).
  • Step line area: Step line chart with semi-transparent filled area.
Some of these types of series types also allow stacking. For example, multiple energy consumers can be visually aggregated.
Interval Interval in which the historical data is aggregated. When Auto is selected, the optimal interval of the selected time range is used. Optionally, an interval can be specified so that the same display is always used (e.g. daily values).
Aggregation Selection of how the historical data should be compressed:
  • Average: Average value over the interval. Optionally with drawing of min./max. range.
  • Sum: Calculate the sum (e.g. to display the daily quantity).
  • Min: Lowest value within the interval.
  • Max: Highest value within the interval.

Configure axes

Tags with identical unit share one Y-axis, which can be configured as follows.

Grid lines Drawing horizontal grid lines.
Min Fixed start value of the axis (If not specified: Lowest value less than 0)
Max Fixed end value of the axis (If not specified: Largest value of the time series)
Digits Fixed number of decimal places

Compare time ranges

If the same tag is dropped to the chart more than once, it is displayed with an time offset. If the preset time range is the current day, the previous day is displayed if offset = 1. For each additional drop of the tag, the offset is increased by one so that one tag can be compared to multiple historical time ranges. The offset can be changed in the time series settings. For example, select an offset of 7 to compare the data of the current day with the same weekday of the previous week.

Interaction with the chart

Within the chart, the time range can be selected or zoomed with the mouse. The legend can be used to show and hide series and open the tag information.

Interaction with the chart

Special modes

Besides the simple display of time series, AnyViz offers additional charts. To create a special chart, click on the highlighted bar next to chart.

Creating a special chart vizual by expanding the vizual selection

Histogram Chart

A histogram is a special chart for the visualization of the frequency distribution. All recordings of the selected period are grouped and distributed on the X-axis. In the Y-axis, the duration in hours is indicated in which the values were active. The tooltip also shows the number of measurements.

Histogram displaying the distribution of values of a solar system with expanded tooltip displaying the hours and measurements

Load triangle chart

The load triangle is mainly needed for energy management to avoid load peaks. It shows the already consumed/generated quantity of the current quarter hour, as well as the forecasted quantity at the end of the quarter hour (dashed). If the predicted quantity exceeds the configured limit (dashed red), the color changes.

Load triangle to show the current consumption/generation, as well as the forecast at the end of the quarter hour.